Do you need reminders?? CY can help!!

By kate blue - Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I admit, I am a huge fan of myself!  Otherwise, I'd forget things!  So on any given day, I have notes in my phone, on my frig, in my don't forget this month's challenge over at Challenge Yourself is:  NOTE TO SELF!

My note to self actually revolved around try to take better care of ME-mentally and physically cause by the time I give to others, there's not enough left to replenish my own cup.  So, I keep reminding myself to take care of me FIRST and then the rest will follow accordingly!

WHAT'S YOUR NOTE????  You still have time to play with us {HERE} for CY # 22

ps-I totally forgot that one lucky winner gets this !

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  1. Oh wow!! LOVE this page and the fact that it includes YOU!!! Great colors and design - as always!!


Thanks for leaving some L-O-V-E !

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